Dark Angels Note 43

Dearest friends,

Welcome back to our writerly thoughts to distract, inspire and reassure you. Be well, keep reading, keep writing and know that we’re always here..


1. Writing

Read the poem below by Taranki poet, Elizbeth Smither. Now, write a poem that begins with a question. Keep going, but don’t try too hard to answer it.


2. Reading

The Sea Question

The sea asks “How is your life now?”
It does so obliquely, changing colour.
It is never the same on any two visits.

It is never the same in any particular
Only in generalities: tide and such matters
Wave height and suction, pebbles that rattle.

It doesn’t presume to wear a white coat
But it questions you like a psychologist
As you walk beside it on its long couch.

Elizabeth Smither


3. Sharing

The Swell

When I touch my daughter’s sleeping head,
waves of love crash down my arm
and into her sweaty, curly hair.
I picture her, a water nymph,
dragged along by life’s pull.
But there she is, stroke for stroke
swimming against the tide;
gliding over the wreckage
of other people’s words.

Gillian Colhoun


4. Gathering

Join us via Zoom for an hour of writing and talking with other Dark Angels. We meet at 7pm UK time every Tuesday. Click here on the night. There’s no need to register in advance and we’ll be using the same link every week from now on. There’s no charge. And feel free to bring a friend along.


5. Workshopping

We have a few places left on our online Advanced Course with Jamie Jauncey and Richard Pelletier this April. If you know of anyone who might enjoy this fantastic writing experience, feel free to spread the word.

From everyone at Dark Angels


Dark Angels Note 44


Dark Angels Note 42