Dark Angels Note 44
Dearest friendsWelcome back to our writerly thoughts to distract, inspire and reassure you. Be well, keep reading, keep writing and know that we’re always here. 1 WritingAt our weekly Tuesday night gathering, we listened to the poem "The world is a beautiful place" by San Franciscan poet and bookseller, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Also a visual artist, his poetry often takes on a highly visual dimension. The critic Jack Foley observed that Ferlinghetti's poems "tell little stories, make 'pictures'.”This week the invitation is to write your own version of a concrete poem – a form where the words are arranged in the shape of the subject. If you’re in need of inspiration, step outside the door and take a deep breath. What do you smell? What do you see? Look for shapes that could become your poem, flowers in bloom or a cloud moving through the sky. 2 Reading Roger McGough 3 Sharing
Alex Fenton 4 GatheringNext week the Tuesday gathering is a virtual excursion to The Spongleheim Gallery of outsider art. We’ll have a guest visit from the gallery’s owner, Dark Angels alumnus Steve Chapman, and we’ll write in response to the art in his latest show. Along with your normal writing tools, bring some sheets of A4 paper and something like a marker pen or crayon. There’s no need to register in advance. There’s no charge. And feel free to bring a friend along. 7pm UK time on Tuesday. Click here on the night. 5 WorkshoppingOur online Advanced Course with Jamie Jauncey and Richard Pelletier this April still has room for a couple more, so if you know of anyone who might enjoy this fantastic writing experience, feel free to spread the word.From everyone at Dark Angels