Neil and John run a workshop…

Nothing unusual in that you might think, but there is a difference and this might appeal to some of you. As part of a project for writers’ group 26 with the Foundling Museum in London, devised by John and called 26 Orphans, we’ll be running a creative workshop based on Dark Angels thinking. The workshop will pick up on the project theme – choose and write about/from a fictional character who was an orphan. There are lots of them when you start to think about it, including Harry Potter, David Copperfield and Superman. 

It will be a joyful chance to reconnect with favourite fictional characters, perhaps from childhood reading. The workshop will be in the morning and in the afternoon there will be a tour of the museum with readings from some of the 26 writers involved. And it’s all part of the Bloomsbury Festival on Saturday 22 October. 

You can find out more and book a ticket here through the Foundling Museum system: 26 Orphans: Creative Writing Workshop 


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