Dark Angels Note 59
Dearest friends,
Welcome back to our writerly thoughts to distract, inspire and reassure you. And if you’d like more connection, join our weekly Zoom writer gathering on Tuesday evening. You are very welcome to join us. It’s free and you can bring a friend.
1. Writing
“In my view, books should be brought to the doorstep like electricity, or like milk in England: they should be considered utilities, and their cost should be appropriately minimal. Barring that, poetry could be sold in drugstores (not least because it might reduce the bill from your shrink). At the very least, an anthology of American poetry should be found in the drawer of every room in every motel in the land, next to the Bible, which will surely not object to this proximity, since it does not object to the proximity of the phone book.”
Joseph Brodsky An Immodest Proposal.
Take Brodsky’s words to heart. Leave a copy of a poem in an unexpected place. Leave a poetry book in your local coffee shop or dentist’s waiting room. Tuck it among the pages of a magazine. Or post a poem on the message board of your local supermarket. You’ll make someone’s day.
2. Reading
It’s like writing a short letter
to everyone in the world at once,
only I don’t have anyone’s address
and there is no thin blue envelope to carry it,
no tiny picture of a famous aviator
or of a blooming flower to speed it on its way.
Billy Collins
3. Gathering
Join us via Zoom for an hour of writing and talking with other Dark Angels. We meet at 7pm UK time every Tuesday. Click here on the night. There’s no need to register in advance and we’ll be using the same link every week from now on. There’s no charge. And feel free to bring a friend along.
From everyone at Dark Angels